सोमवार, 9 मार्च 2020

About You

 [ पवन तिवारी की कविता 'तुम्हारे बारे में' का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद शिव कुमार शर्मा जी द्वारा  ]

About you, I want to express,
My feelings to the world.
Many days, possibly weeks,
Nay, months have passed.
But I am not able to make up my mind,
As what to write about u.
If I start writing,
a new library may come up.
And I become old in continued writing !
After thinking for days,
Probably now I have understood,
That if u have a lot to say-
Speak less, or
Write a word or so.
Because silence before and after words, speaks volumes.
Before I got crazy by overthinking ,
On searching I found a word.
Perhaps that word may say everything
That I want to express about u.
My life  has  become 'meaningful' .
By your being in my life !

Pawan  Tiwari  

(Translated by
 Shiv Kumar Sharma)

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